Welcome to the Fashion Page of blucpblog!
Most Popular Fashion of the Week:
The 'Flutterby Hoodie' is probably the most worn outfit ever in Club Penguin history! This outfit never gets boring! The colours match wonderfully and overall this is a great outfit! I know that this is from last time, but it's still fabulous!!!
My Favourite Outfit of the Week:
This outfit is super cute! I love how the dress matches the bow in the hair! Sometimes simple is splendid, and this is one of those outfits. The colour looks great but I think that peach would've looked better. I love this outfit!
What I recommend:
This outfit has a mix of cuteness and coolness. Even though the bow and the shirt don't match, they still seem to 'go together'. This is the best current casual outfit.
Best Items Just Mismatched Outfit of the Week
I love those clothes and accessories! Unfortunately, they are completely mismatched! If I were her, I would get a blue hoodie and all would be fine. Or still wear the dress, but change the accessories and hair. Cute, though!
Come back next week for more cool fashion!