Sunday, April 10, 2011


For the next couple of weeks, I'm not going to post for a while. Sorry!

But you gotta see Grommettes joke!:

Penguin 1-Where do I get rare items?
Penguin 2-From the Treasure Catalog
Penguin 1-Where is the catalog?
Penguin 2-Click the coin
Penguin 1-Show me the coin!
Penguin 2-You have to log out

That's actually a real life joke! Grommette saw it happen earlier! Btw, if you are Penguin 1, you do have to click the coin and you do have to log out. You also have to buy a piece of Club Penguin merchandise... maybe Penguin 1 should have researched it a little more?

Btw, Gromm is currently making a gym! XD

Cya in two weeks or something!



1 comment:

  1. Hi, Blu here! I'm on my friends computer right now. Grommettes!

    Have you seen Mistral (Grommettes other nickname) made an account and guess what!? You are put onto a list and some people are CHOSEN to be able to go into the tinkatolli virtual world! Ridiculous! Don't go to their site. I think that it's unacceptable.

