Thursday, April 7, 2011

Time Travelling!

Today I realised (much to my annoyance) that my computers clock said that it was Thursday the 31st of March, 2011. Sigh. So I currently haven't seen the new igloo catalog, sorry!

But, I used that to my advantage! My friend, Grommette, wanted some stuff from the old igloo catalog! So I went on her penguin, cart-surfed a bit, and bought one of every thing from the old part of the catalog! Grommette hadn't got the white puffle pin so I went looking for it and it had gone. Aww. But the yellow puffle pin was still there, which was surprising. But she had got that pin already, so it was quite unfortunate. 

At least Grommette and I can say that we've time travelled! It's so cool!


PS: If you were reading this to find out what the latest news was-sorry! The new newspaper is out and the pin tracker on the sidebar of this blog will be able to tell you where the latest pins are-unfortunately I can't though! I'm still stuck in March! Lol!

PPS: Rockhopper is coming for Earth Day! If I were you, I would go up to the lighthouse and see if I could spot his boat! I can't though cause I'm stuck in the past. Lol!

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